Municipal BudgetThe Regional Municipality’s budget determines the amount of money required to support each municipal service (fire, police, schools, infrastructure, etc.). The budget must be approved by Council and all anticipated expenditures must be accounted for.

On May 29, 2024, West Hants Regional Municipal Council approved the following budgets:

The Operating Budget covers the day-to-day spending on services such as waste management, protective services, park maintenance and programming. The Water Utility Operating Budgets cover the daily operations of the water utilities which provide safe drinking water to customers in the communities of Hantsport, Windsor, Three Mile Plains and Falmouth and is included in the Operating Budget.

The Capital Budget funds the Municipality’s infrastructure which supports service delivery related to sidewalks, water and wastewater infrastructure, roads, parks and more.

The Reserve Budget effectively supports municipal assets management planning. This allows the Municipality to save for future infrastructure development and unforeseen costs, to avoid debt and abide by legislative requirements.

The 2024/2025 overall Municipal Operating Budget is $33.6 million.  A summary can be found here.